Lilian Braun
The Expo begins with a literal bang: a bomb wrecks the hotel, killing a housekeeper and causing extensive damage. Luckily for Pickax, Jim Qwilleran is on the scene, with suspicions that the bomb was
...Why would someone so happy and full of life kill herself? And what is the connection between the Gage family and potato farmer Gil Inchpot, who
...Although the town of Pickax is in a tizzy over the recent events, Qwill has other, more puzzling worries on
...Worst of all, Qwill finds a body in his apple
...Having inherited millions, Jim Qwilleran and his two feline companions, Koko and Yum Yum, are preparing to settle down into a life of purrfect luxury in Pickax. That is, until the son of a rich banker and his wife are found murdered. To the police it looks like a robbery...
Jim Qwilleran lives in Pickax, a small town 400 miles north of everywhere, and writes for a small newspaper. He stands tall and straight. He dates a librarian. His roommates are two abandoned cats that he adopted along...
The way Jim Qwilleran sees it, there’s nothing worse than being left high and dry. But that’s exactly where he’s been ever since a record-breaking drought hit Moose County. He’s bedraggled. Beleaguered....
The town of Pickax is buzzing with excitement: its residents are about to celebrate the 150th anniversary of its founding. But in the midst of all the preparations, Qwill has to take time out to entertain aspiring architect Harvey Ledfield—and deal with Koko’s...
As the Highland Games approach, Jim Qwilleran and the citizens of Pickax, Michigan, prepare to celebrate their Scottish heritage with such evens as bagpipe skirling and tossing the caber. But...
Times are a-changin’ in Pickax, giving Jim Qwilleran some newsworthy notes for the “Qwill Pen.” A new senior center is in the works—as well as a frisky production of Cats. And a local mansion is being converted into a charitable...
Qwill’s on top of the world when he rents a house on Big Potato Mountain. The owner, J.J. Hawkinfield, brought real estate development to the once-peaceful Potatoes. But Hawkinfield paid a steep price for his enterprise: He was pushed off a cliff by an angry mountain dweller. Qwilleran, however,...
Jim Qwilleran isn’t exactly overwhelmed by his new assignment for the Daily Fluxion. Interior design has never been one of his specialties and now he’s supposed to turn out an entire magazine on the subject every week! But the first issue of Gracious Abodes is barely off the presses when Qwilleran finds himself...
The development of a major resort complex at the southern end of Breakfast Island is causing a ruckus. Local residents, summer people and mainland fishermen are all hopping mad that the peace of their island retreat is being shattered. Them a cabin cruiser explodes in the marina causing general alarm. But when a series of deadly "accidents" follows on the heels of the mysterious explosion, Qwilleran begins to wonder if sabotage is involved. In